Thursday, November 8, 2018


Berikut karya game buatan  siswa kelas 12 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2 SMKN 1 Probolinggo, selamat mencobaaa dan jangan lupa berikan komentar yaa.
Siswa kami tersebut bernama Bayu Purnomo Aji. Semangat selalu berkarya yaaa....

Si pembuat sudah memberikan persetujuan gamenya dapat diunduh gratis dan dimainkan berbagai kalangan, selamat bermain. Harap diingat, game ini dimainkan khusus pada ponsel pintar (smartphone).

Here are the game works made by 12th grade students of Software Engineering 2 of SMK 1 Probolinggo, good luck and don't forget to comment.

Our student was named Bayu Purnomo Aji. The passion always works ...

The maker has given the game approval free download and played by various groups, good luck playing. Please remember, this game is played specifically on smart phones (smartphones).

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Berikut adalah hasil karya tulis saya mengenai bimbingan konseling, mengadopsi nilai kualitas pribadi dari karya Bung Karno, presiden pertama Republik Indonesia. This article shows how Soekarno idea is not die although his body is dead. His vision lay inside nation and people.


Literation movement is one ultimate goal for each school. SMKN 1 Probolinggo declare that it can be happened in school. This moment prove that. A girl student who nonamed read peacefully at garden bench. It proves literation movement must grow and grow everyday. 
Seorang murid perempuan membaca buku dengan serius di kebun sekolah. Gerakan literasi memang digalakkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengetahuan para murid. Dan meluaskan wawasan mereka. 


Some students from 2nd Online Business and Marketing tenth class decide to discuss about corruption. Especially about abuse of power. They discuss how corruption destroy people welfare, and how students can combat corruption. In this case, they learn corruption case in a small city, at east java province. 
Diskusi antikorupsi yang diselenggarakan kelas 10 Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran 2 SMKN 1 Probolinggo.  Membahas mengenai contoh kasus berdasarkan pasal 2 dan pasal 3 UU nomor 31 tahun 1999 jo UU nomor 20 tahun 2001 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. Kelompok Saifulloh dkk menyajikan hasil diskusinya selama seminggu pada tanggal 22/10/2018.

Friday, November 2, 2018


Tugas ini dikerjakan di HP/PC/Laptop. Silahkan browsing maupun membaca sumber lain. Manfaatkan semua sumber pengetahuan yang ada. Jangan lupa nama dan kelas diklik dan diisikan.


Thursday, November 1, 2018


Kelompok 3 yang digawangi Miatus Sholihah, dari kelas 10 Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran 4 SMK Negeri 1 Probolinggo sedang menjelaskan mengenai jenis narkoba. SIlahkan menyimak

Lets enjoy presentation from Miatus Sholihah, leader discussion 8th group, Vocational Senior High School Probolinggo. She enthusiasm explain drug type and how dangerous it is.


Presentasi Kelompok 8 (atas) dan kelompok 3 ( bawah) kelas 10 Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran 4 SMK Negeri 1 Probolinggo Jawa Timur tentang jenis narkoba dan dampaknya. Tiap kelompok menampilkan hasil diskusinya.

This discussion explain how drugs make students life suffer. The students want their friends know and evade drug, once and forever. Presented by First grade vocational senior high school, class 2, concentration Online Business and Marketing class, SMK Negeri 1 Probolinggo, East Java Indonesia.


Enemies of the Regional Head

By: Masbahur Roziqi

The author is guidance and counseling teacher at SMKN 1 Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia

 The city of Pasuruan was hit by an earthquake. This time it was not an earthquake like the one in Palu or Lombok. This earthquake is a term. Namely extraordinary events. What earthquake struck the city of Pasuruan ?? No other is the arrest of the current mayor of Pasuruan, Setiyono, by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigator on Thursday (10/04/2018).

According to the KPK deputy chairman, Alexander Marwata, the KPK has set Setiyono as one of the suspects out of a total of four suspects. The four people were named suspects in connection with the alleged bribery in the building capital expenditure project and the development of the development of a Cooperative and Micro-Business Integrated Service Center in the Pasuruan City Government with regional budget funds for 2018.

Of course this is again an irony for the people. Why is there no end to the regional heads who become prisoners at the KPK. Starting from the governor to the regent and mayor. Take for example the former mayor of Mojokerto Masud, former mayor of Malang Mochammad Anton, and former Bangkalan Regent, Fuad Amin. As for the governor there was Zumi Zola, the former governor of Jambi, and Gatot Pujo Nugroho, the former governor of North Sumatra.Even though they were sworn in from the start, they have vowed to guard the people's trust. Namely implementing the government cleanly in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The big question is why even if we have been reminded from various quarters, there are still those who have to become KPK prisoners?At least according to the author, when someone decides to become a candidate for regional head, at that time he should think of his great enemy. Namely the potential for corruption when for example elected to take office. That potential must be mapped. Because when someone has become the head of the region, there will be a shock and pressure that comes tempting.The main cause is usually a regional head plunged into corruption, namely the potential for reciprocation to those who have helped win the regional head. Can be in the form of reciprocation given a government project, or get convenience in business permits. Or it could also be a promise to put its people into labor in the government.

This attachment to reciprocity is not uncommon to make regional heads become ewuh pakewuh. Especially if you have close kinship and friendship ties. The potential for abuse of authority will very likely occur.

Exactly, regional head candidates must know how the budgeting process includes the types of corruption that might occur. Apart from pressure, corruption may occur because the regional head does not understand regional budgeting. Including not understanding what type of corruption usually occurs.

It is here that the internal role of the head of the region itself and the government plays a role. From the government side, it is time for candidates for this regional head to be educated in advance regarding proper budgeting. Including teaching about the potential for corruption that occurs. Or even the government can prepare a competency test scheme for prospective regional heads. The material tested about budgeting, authority, and about corruption. The exam is in the form of writing and project work. The written exam contains budgeting and anti-corruption material. Whereas project work can be a simulation of how a regional head faces potential corruption. The results are written and presented with expert panelists from universities and professionals. The goal is to get a qualified regional head.

Internally, the regional head candidates should not stop learning. Especially learning from cases that have befallen former regional heads involved in corruption. And become a law enforcer. Cakada (regional head candidates) need to examine the case one by one. Where their mistakes are, what articles are most entangled, how the mode, network, and motives of corruption ensnare them, what sectors are often corrupted, to what extent the state financial losses incurred.

It would be even better if later it was elected as the regional head, it was the regional head who became the anti-corruption speaker for all SKPD and PPTK heads (Acting Technical Acting Officers) in the municipal / district / provincial government. The goal is one: to show his subordinates that the leader is committed to anti-corruption, and will not allow a penny of money to be corrupted. Especially by his own subordinates. Hopefully.


Latent Dangers of Bullying

By: Masbahur Roziqi

The author is a teacher of guidance and counseling at SMK Negeri 1 Probolinggo

 It does not seem excessive if the city of Probolinggo faces the latent danger of bullying. The latest, bullying against teenagers which finally viral on social media occurred in this mango city. That is what happened to LH, 17 years old, a student of one of the private vocational schools in the city of Probolinggo. He experienced physical and verbal bullying from several other teenagers at Kedopok Sports Hall on Saturday (12/16/2017).

Bullying experienced by LH takes place systematically, and planned. It can be seen from the chronology revealed by the police at a press conference at the city Probolinggo mapolres (12/19/2017). Initially, LH was picked up by one of the bullying perpetrators named Oktavia Pujiani at his home, Kanigaran City of Probolinggo. The reason is to treat LH victims to eat. On the way, they met other actors. Then immediately rode to Kedopok Sports Hall (GOR). There, physical and verbal bullying against LH occurred. And everything was recorded by one of the actors' friends.

Seen in the viral video, LH experienced physical bullying in the form of being grabbed and beaten. While verbal bullying in the form of inappropriate speech. The meaning is still spoken even though LH has begun to faint. One of the perpetrators even said that he was not afraid of the victim's mother. Some say the victims don't act unconscious. While cursing, they continued to grab and hit the helpless victims.

These bullying events open our eyes. That bullying is not something that should be underestimated. The events that afflict LH are clear evidence that bullying is still a latent danger for children or adolescents. At times it can happen, and can involve anyone.

Bullying is generally vulnerable to children and adolescents. In the case of GOR Kedopok bullying, the perpetrators were not ready for dialogue. They don't prepare themselves mentally to face the dialogue process. That in dialogue there will be things that may differ from the principle of truth according to the perpetrator's version. When meeting these differences the perpetrators finally took a shortcut by directly blaming the victim.

The effort to overcome bullying is not an easy job. Because it is related to emotional development which tends to be erratic. In addition, bullying is related to power relations. That is the party that is strong in suppressing the weak party. Whether it's oppressing it in groups or alone. This latent danger will still not pass if it is only responded to as a last breeze.

First, the school as the second home of the students should not be bored in conducting anti-bullying campaigns. Can through various media. Start the learning video to watch the film together about bullying. Writing down the experience of bullying is also good for therapy to grow strength against the trauma of bullying. Schools create a climate of mutual cooperation for students. The goal is that each student can respect each other.

Secondly, schools and families help students complete their development tasks well. Each individual has their respective development assignments. Such as increasing self-confidence and being able to live in harmony with friends and the surrounding community. If students are able to complete this, they will be stable in living life.

Third, law enforcement must be right on target in implementing diversion. The diversion process can only be given to child offenders. It should not also apply to adult actors. The accuracy of law enforcement in implementing diversion will have an impact on the settlement of cases fairly.Fourth, law enforcement must ensure that there is no intimidation of victims, families of victims, and witnesses. Consideration of the police that does not detain bullying perpetrators of the GOR Kedopok should be accompanied by inherent supervision. Because bullying that occurs is group bullying. This means that the actors in it have strong social cohesion. Engagement between members is also thought to be strong. This can be seen from their compactness in persecuting victims on videos that have been viral. Keeping witnesses and victims free to give testimony at the trial will also have to be a priority for law enforcement.


Responding to Obscene Teacher Terror

By: Masbahur Roziqi

The author is a teacher of guidance and counseling at SMK Negeri 1 Probolinggo

I don't think it's excessive if at this time the school needs to sound an emergency alarm. Namely the emergency of obscene teacher terror. Terror that has been troubling lately. Not only the guardian of the student, but also the entire school community. Because this terror is not visible. But the victim felt every second of his horror. The victim saw the culprit milling about the educator's robe. Walk casually smiling, and watch them one by one. A form of terror that will overshadow the lives of the victims. Forever.

Of course the naming of the terror of obscene teachers is not as long as making it. The latest, this terror was carried out by a teacher named M. Saebatul Hamdi, 29 years old. A private elementary school teacher in the North Surabaya area. The victims are very many. In total it reaches 65 people. All of the students he educated. Starting from class II to class V. (Jawa Pos Metropolis, 23/2) Children who should be protected, instead become victims of their depraved lust.Hamdi's actions are clearly a terror. He created horror for his victims. Not just once, he did it many times. By utilizing his power as a teacher. Utilizing student compliance with the teacher. Using teacher uniforms to vent their depraved lust to students. Of course it is inconceivable how psychic students are asked to remember what they experienced. Abused by his teacher. At school that should be their second home.For the teacher corps, the terror of molestation committed by Hamdi is a disgrace. The teacher's name was intentionally smeared. Hamdi's actions can be ascertained not as an act worthy of a teacher. The principle of the teacher who is supposed to protect, become a model, and protect students is not visible in his figure. He smeared the teacher's corps with his acts of terror.

The terror of this obscene teacher has a long-term negative effect on his victims, in this case the students he is cabuli. One of them does not rule out the possibility that the victims will experience great trauma. In the end, he will imitate what his teacher did later. By being a perpetrator of sexual abuse when they have the opportunity. One goal: vent what they have experienced in other people. So he is not alone anymore. There are other people who feel what they also feel when they become victims. A big impact which is certainly very dangerous for future generations.

What Hamdi did should immediately be made a joint reflection. That there is a great danger awaiting students. Namely the rise of sexual violence. Especially those carried out by educators or their own teachers. The impact is not visible in plain view. Because the one who is hurt is the heart of the victims. Their self-esteem collapsed, and finally felt broken. They could not resist because they were bound by submission authorities. Various parties play a big role in preventing the recurrence of this obscene teacher's terror. There are several things that need to be formulated and realized.

First, schools need to be aware of the true nature of educators. That the teacher is the parent of the student at the school. Acting as a role model and protector for children. That is, the teachers need to be constantly warned about their role in school. Look at the actions and sayings they did both when they were in front of students and outside school hours. Because all the actions of the teacher's horn will be the observation of the students. And embedded in their hearts. When a teacher is able to understand his role, the totality of the role as an educator they will do.

Second, schools need to form teacher ethics assemblies at the school level. The aim is to uphold the teacher's code of ethics. When getting information or finding out directly about violations of the code of ethics by the teacher, clarification is immediately carried out. If a violation of the code of ethics is proven, the school can recommend sanctions against the teacher. Including a dismissal proposal. Because the school knows the teacher's daily life. Information or complaints can be obtained from anyone. Both from the teacher and from the students themselves.

Third, the school needs to provide clear boundaries regarding the relationship between students and teachers. Indeed, the essence, teachers need to build closeness with students to better understand them. So that they know the learning style and characteristics of each student. But of course that closeness is not allowed to be blind. This means that proximity has the potential to cause abuse of authority or authority as a teacher. Here is the role of the school to formulate rules. The extent to which closeness must be carried out.

Sixth, if there has been a victim. All parties must provide assistance. Providing trauma healing. Teach victims to stay strong. That they are not alone. And the same event will not be repeated. Give them motivation to get up. Fight against fear.


Educating Through Dialogue Focusing Solutions

By: Masbahur Roziqi

The author is a teacher of guidance and counseling at Probolinggo 1 East Java Vocational School
Violence in education seems endless. Not yet finished case one, another case appears. This is like what happened to AR, a student of 55 Surabaya Middle School. The 14-year-old student was slapped by NNK, the teacher. The reason is because AR violates school regulations, namely to bring mobile phones to schools (Jawa Pos Metropolis, 11-16/2017). Pity. That is the right word to describe the situation.

The event was at least reminiscent of two things. First the teacher has the task of educating (not rebuking), and secondly, juvenile errors, both moral and violations of school rules, should not be punished by violence. Both of these are the main core that need to be input from teachers who still prioritize violence.

First, let's discuss the task of educating. One of the things I offer and I have done so far is to do a dialogue approach. Yes, dialogue is the essence of education besides providing an example of behavior. In counseling, this dialogue is called balanced communication. Namely communication that emphasizes the personal uniqueness of students by the teacher. The teacher values ​​students as individuals who are unique. Not the same between students with each other. So that respecting them by speaking together is part of the appreciation for their uniqueness.In the school environment, there will always be mistakes made by students. No doubt this must have happened. But how the teacher handles it is what needs attention. There are several steps that need to be taken by the teacher to invite students to dialogue when they make a mistake. This step is called Dialogue Focusing Solutions.

The first step is to invite students to identify and assess the behavior that has been done. At this stage the teacher invites students to specify the "wrong" actions that have been made. Compare it with school norms and regulations. And judge fairly, whether the behavior is in accordance with the norm or not. The teacher listened intently, and tried to understand the condition of the student at that time.The second step, the teacher invites students to develop behavioral change goals in a better direction. This goal must be observable and measurable. By having a change goal, students have a clear reference to the desired change.

The third step, designing changes. After setting goals, the teacher helps students to design how to make changes. In this stage, the teacher must not give advice. But it encourages students to think of appropriate changes based on the students' own ways.

The fourth step, writing a contract for behavior change. After students are able to find ways to change, the teacher asks students to write it on a piece of paper. Signed by teachers and students. Its function for student commitment changes for the better. Commitments that formally bind students and teachers to collaborate change for the better.

The fifth step, strengthening and ending. At this stage, the teacher provides reinforcement / motivation to students to plan the behavior changes that they have designed. The teacher strengthens students' confidence and does not say disparaging words. At the end of the meeting, the teacher asks students to return to attend the agreed time. The goal is to monitor the progress of behavior changes that have been made.

Second, regarding the prohibition on using violence in punishing students must be carried out by the teacher. The view that violence is the best way to educate students is not the right thing. Violence according to Andi Mappiare, in his research entitled Psycho-Social Violence in Education and the Inevitability of Counseling Guidance in 2013, said that any form of violence in education only had a detrimental effect on many parties.

Sanctions do need to be for students who violate regulations or moral values. But it must be educational. For example students can be asked to do social work. Some of the things that can be done include asking students to clean the teacher's room, being a teacher's assistant when presenting in class, or asking these students to attend school organizations such as adolescent mosques. Some sanctions, even in the form of requiring these students to take part in voluntary work, sort out the garbage together.

Finally, these steps do not guarantee students will change immediately. Change is a process. The teacher has the obligation to guard the process. Telaten, and always not tired of having dialogues with students is a path that all teachers must go through. Because violence is only a way of endless despair for teachers.


Education Against Terrorism

By: Masbahur Roziqi

The author is a teacher of guidance and counseling at SMK Negeri 1 Probolinggo

 A Palestinian toddler looks shot in the stomach. Blood poured heavily over his shirt. Light red. The child cries, but eventually pauses. On the other hand, it appears that Israeli soldiers fired their guns at Palestinian youth demonstrators. Crowds of people carry the child away from the Israeli army which continues to push towards Palestinian demonstrators. A voice appeared in the show "will you let this continue?"

The show was a video that the author had seen when he first became a new student at the end of 2007. Co-authors, say TO, who is a sympathizer of radical organizations, showed the video to the author. After seeing the video, he gave a lecture that it was time for this state system to be changed. And it is young people who have to change the system. For him the Pancasila does not apply. Because it's man-made.

At that time, I honestly admit, the video was very emotional. The author was almost provoked. Luckily there was one friend of the writer who reminded me of the purpose of the lecture. Complete with human necessity need to spread goodness. Not hate. Including the need for the Indonesian people to understand the diversity of this nation. Both ethnicity, religion, and race.

Remembrance of the approached radical activists' experience emerged when word got out that a young man named Muhammad Lutfianto, a resident of Sumberwetan sub-district, Kedopok sub-district, Probolinggo, was arrested by resort police in the City of Probolinggo on Tuesday (13/2) in front of the Probolinggo mapol (Java Radar Bromo post, Friday 'at (16/2).

Lutfi, a 23-year-old young man, was arrested by the police for allegedly intending to harm police personnel by using a sword that he placed on a motorcycle seat. His main motive is because he considers the police to be the thagut apparatus (not implementing Islamic law). Then it is worth killing. If you kill, then the reward is heaven. He got the confidence to harm it from the video he saw on YouTube social media.

"Infidel police, soldiers, judges, prosecutors, and others. Because it does not follow the rules of religion, "Lutfi said when asked by Javanese journalist Pos Radar Bromo (Jawa Pos Radar Bromo, Friday (2/16).

"We want to apply the law of God along with people who want to uphold God's law. I do not want this human law to break down. This police is thogut. "Whoever kills the thogut will go to heaven," he continued in several media.

Of course what will be done by Lutfi is really sad. And again reminded of the danger of lonewolf. Someone who commits acts of terror by acting alone. Without relying on the network. This is really difficult. Because new perpetrators can be detected when they are in action. Luckily in Probolinggo, the perpetrators can be arrested before taking action.

Lutfi's acknowledgment that he planned to injure the police on the grounds of upholding religious teachings if seen further could have a broad impact if not immediately addressed. Lutfi, who in recognition of his parents was quiet, certainly had gained inspiration from radical teachings circulating on the internet. Grappling with radical ideologies when accessing the internet, making his thoughts begin to be embedded in these teachings. So that there was an intention to hurt state officials. One thing that needs to be a common concern.

The next question surfaced, would the ideology die after Lutfi was arrested? The answer to this ideology will continue to live if the government and society are ignorant of this incident. Education, is one of the fields that need to play a role in fortifying the students from the widespread understanding that the perpetrator brings.

First, protect students based on their respective functions and roles. The teacher has the function of educating, and students learn. So this role should not be tarnished. A teacher needs to have personal qualities to be a role model for students. An example to love the nation, and appreciate the diversity that exists among all school people. From there, students will learn the meaning of respecting differences. May be different but still respect each other.

Second, have an attitude of mutual empathy and care among fellow school members. Empathy and caring are important capital for living in a community. In the eyes of his family, Lutfi is a quiet and kind person, while in the eyes of neighbors, he is a good person and likes to greet. Because kindness is a lot of unsuspecting neighbors. Although Lutfi often attended recitations, many of his neighbors did not know.


Satan's Circle of Education Violence

By: Masbahur Roziqi

The author is a teacher of guidance and counseling at SMK Negeri 1 Probolinggo


 Si A got up from his seat. His eyes glared. His hands are clenched. As if not noticing the two teachers nearby, he stood up and looked out of the individual counseling room. He snapped at a student who was sitting outside the room. The student is a 12th grade brother.

To the two teachers who accompanied him, he claimed to be annoyed at the student. Si A, who is in the 10th grade, is upset. Because he was hit from behind. He was determined to repay the blow. Even if he has to be expelled from school, he claims it doesn't matter. The important thing is to hit and take revenge for the blow he received.

Luckily after being invited to dialogue, the A is no longer angry. He chose to be patient. He admitted if his negative emotions came out. Don't think long. He promised to be more calm in facing problems. And choose to solve the problem with an open mind. Not from playing physically. Finally both of them promised to introspect each other.

That is as complicated as the daily events that the writer feels as a teacher. Violence is still a way out to solve the problem. Examples are many. One of the most tragic was the killing of Ahmad Budi Cahyono, art teacher at SMAN 1 Torjun Sampang Madura on Thursday (01/01/2018) last night. Pak Budi, his nickname, died after the afternoon of being beaten by one of his students in class. The student hit after Budi crossed his cheeks with painting paint. With the aim of reprimanding the student for disturbing his friends during painting lessons. Including not paying attention to Pak Budi's lesson. Unfortunately the student doesn't accept it. And there was a beating that ended the death of Pak Budi. (, 2/2/2018).

The issue of violence seems to be a vicious circle for the world of education. There is no end. After the violence one other violence appeared. The students now also face these challenges. That is the tendency to expose negative emotions to others with negative things. Most of all by committing violence.

There are several causes that can be discussed related to the still widespread outbreak of violence by students. First, lack of emotional management skills. Especially in managing negative emotions. In a discussion between the author and the Probolinggo VOCATIONAL SCHOOL of Teenagers 1, Friday (2/2/2018), the release of negative emotions is always the main trigger for acts of violence. 

When negative emotions have mastered the brain, consideration of future impacts will not be thought of. One goal: vent negative emotions on their opponents.The death of Pak Budi (Ahmad Budi Cahyono) when educating his students (rebuking students who did not pay attention to their lessons) was the fact that educating generations of people was challenging. Even life is at stake. Because what teachers face is the generations of people who have different characters. Which can not be predicted the depth of the heart and mind. Those who must be accompanied by paying attention to the characteristics of each.

There are a number of things that we should be able to discuss together to be applied to minimize the occurrence of violence in the educational environment. Including breaking the chain of violence in education.

First, instill in students about individual differences. Including by giving an example in the form of the example of the teacher and parents. Since the beginning of students entering school, they need to be understood each person has different characteristics. It cannot be equated between students with one another. Has advantages and disadvantages of each. To overcome these shortcomings, collaboration between students is needed.

Second, stick to the hearts of the students that dialogue is a fixed price in school life. This means that when students face things that are not in accordance with him, he will prioritize dialogue. Namely conveying what he complained about. Invite other people to understand each other and discuss their disapproval. The goal is to find a constructive joint solution. With a cold head condition without negative emotions.

Third, teach students to forgive and apologize. By forgiving, the giver (student) releases all disappointment, anxiety, hatred, anger, hurt, and revenge in himself. When they are able to forgive, it means that students are able to show humility and openness to others. And this is the true honor of interpersonal relationships. Likewise, by apologizing, means that students are responsible for what has been done. Underwrite the consequences and become a new human being who is more introspective in the future.


Jokes of Corruptors


Guidance and counseling teacher of Probolinggo 1 State Vocational School, Probolinggo City, East Java


 Laughing at corruptors is the main mission of the author of this book. Corruptors who have robbed many people of money, are stripped of their stories, are stripped of their stories in this book. The author clearly reveals the reality experienced by corruptors. Of course with humorous language. Not judgmental but make irony.This book tastes crunchy. Full of funny herbs. In the introduction to the book, the introductory writer quoted several quotes in the book. Everything is allusions to corruptors. From the sweetest, to the most spicy. All with light language. Delicious digested.The entire book consists of 12 parts. Each section contains a story concerning the events experienced by corruptors. Both corrupt anchors, to the big class.

 But not all of them tell explicitly about corruptors. Corrupt stories are explicitly told in three parts. While the other nine parts slip the role of corruptors backing up the antagonist role in the story of that section. Not to mention the impact of corruption on the community. Again with crisp language.The strength of this book lies in its simple language. Typical daily conversation. Even without a regional language quote. Don't imagine like we read scientific work. Agus Noor's short story is far from that. We don't need to frown at laughing at corruptors. In fact, we are invited to laugh and laugh at them.As seen in the joke section of the corruptors. 

 In this section the author tells how corruptors survive in prison. With various background cases that ensnare, the corruptors synergize. Fighting over boredom. Presenting a bustling atmosphere like outside the prison. Work together to please among others.Another story also explains how a corruptor from among law enforcement officials exploits a child with disabilities. The goal is to dredge the coffers of the rupiah. There is no longer the term HAM (Human Rights). Especially the attitude of affection for children with disabilities. Everything ran aground in the eyes of corruptors. Only personal benefits can be seen in the eyes of the corruptor.This book is no doubt a stirring emotion for those who really hate corruption. How not, the author casually tells clearly how the mode, and daily life of these corruptors. Including other problems that also followed them.

 Readers are invited to follow more closely with the corruptors. Somewhat mystical is fine. Because occultism can be an attractive attraction to tell about various crimes and the effects of corrupt actions. Don't be wrong either. Because corruptors also like occultism. Of course with the terms. As long as it can free them from the pursuit of investigating the case that surrounds it.The author is also able to present how human rights violations (Human Rights) are always in coalition with corruption in the story in this book. About people who have to be losers because of corruption. How the community has become an entity that is repressed by corruptors with various pretexts. Starting from corruptors under the guise of RT officials to high-class officials. So that they cannot fulfill their basic rights. 

Corruption can not only be seen from the perspective of the articles in the legislation. Because if that's the parameter, corruption will only become an elitist issue. This book is an effort to ground the issue of corruption which has been seen as only an issue of the elite. By knowing the illustrations of everyday corruptors, people can laugh at them too. Laugh at their crime. Including laughing at some people who still want to turn themselves into corruptors. Or become corrupt accomplices.The conclusion is simple.

 Reading this book means entering ourselves as part of a fight against corruption. Why? Because through this book, the readers know how fierce corruption is. How complex are the problems caused by corruption. And how we cannot stop fighting corruption.

Come on Guys, Stop Invasion!

  Affirm Position, Condemn Invasion! Masbahur Roziqi The author is an Indonesia citizen who oppose Russian aggresion to Ukraine      The mom...